
As: Director / External link

Direction: Thomas Delord & Maja Zimmerlin (choreographer) / Company: Odos Production 
Produced in: Greece / Belgium / Released in: Online / Video dance festivals

Flooding. Soft stone shedding. Hard water, merging veins. Inside or outside. Bodies, connected.
The earth, the stone, the air, the sea. Cold scream of burning lungs. Creating.
Path bodies, planting bodies, growing bodies. Connected. Inside or Outside.
Written and directed by : Thomas Delord (originale idea of video dance with drone) & Maja Zimmerlin
ODOS Productions (edited by Thomas Delord), 4K vidéo, 100% filmed by drone.

( date: 2019-10-13 / id: 154 / img: 1 / order: 160 )

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